Coombe Bissett - St Michael & All Angels
Homington - St Mary the Virgin
Vicar: Rev. Canon Jenny Taylor
About Coombe Bissett & Homington
Coombe Bissett is a medium sized village on the cross roads where the valley East- West road meets the Salisbury-Blandford road. Homington is a little over one mile down the valley road, easy walking distance across Homington Down. The villages (pop 690) are both extremely friendly. Coombe Bissett enjoys the prominence of the church of St Michael and All Angels and benefits from an excellent village shop, small church primary school and a pub. Homington is a much smaller village, with its pretty church of St Mary. There are a few families in both villages.
The sense of community, within the two villages is extremely important and you will always find a friendly face and someone to pass the time of day with. Social coffee mornings take place in both churches, monthly in Homington and weekly in Coombe Bissett. There is also a well-used village hall. Care and help for the sick or elderly is important and available with the villages also having their own Link service where volunteer drivers will transport those in need to hospital or surgery. A country bus service runs along the Chalke Valley and into Salisbury, usually via the hospital.

Coombe Bissett
1st Sunday of the month - 11.00am Parish Communion (CW)
2nd Sunday of the month - 11.00am Family Communion (CW)
3rd Sunday of the month - 11.00am Parish Communion (CW)
4th Sunday of the month - 6.00pm Evening Prayer (BCP)
Coffee Mornings
Every Wednesday 10.30am - 12 noon at Coombe Bissett Church
2nd Saturday of each month - 10.30am - 12 noon at Homington Church
Food Bank Collection
1st Wednesday of each month - please leave donations at the Lych Gate